Below is all of our current Dynamic Links/Macros/Tokens. For more information on how to use our macros, please click here.
The Publisher ID
[Available for Banners and Pops]
The SiteID # the ad was displayed on.
[Available for Banners and Pops]
The AdZone ID# the ad was displayed on
[Available for Banners only. Pops are sold by SiteID only]
Campaign Image ID#
[Available for Banners only. Pops are sold by SiteID only]
The Campaign Image Filename (at the time of upload) excluding the .extension
[Available for Banners only. Pops are sold by SiteID only]
The JuicyAds campaign ID#
[Available for Banners and Pops]
2-character Country Code, (ex: US, CA, TW)
[Available for Banners and Pops]
Unique Identification number for each click (31 characters)
ie. 2016090657ce3f40009809.96070516
[Available for Banners and Pops]
Please review this article on for some useful information on how to implement with AdCombo offers :
The cost per click (CPC) cost per impression (CPM) at the time of your click/impression ie. CPC $0.01 CPM $0.0001
[Available for Banners and Pops]
Macro Tags for Date and Time
The date of the transaction
[Available for Banners]
The hour of the transaction
[Available for Banners]
Macro Tags Related to Device and Connection
Connection Type; Wifi or Carrier
[Available for PopUnders only]
Device Type
[Available for PopUnders only]
Device OS: iOS, Android, etc..
[Available for PopUnders only]
For More Information On How To Use Dynamic Links/Tokens/Macros, Please Click HERE