
Dynamic Linking (aka Tokens / Macros) and how to use them

Please click here for a list of our current Dynamic Links/Tokens:

Dynamic Linking works for all URL links on the JuicyAds system, including Direct Buy, Network Campaigns, PopUnders, and Mobile Campaigns.

Dynamic linking gives you the ability to insert information from our system into your URL string. This is especially useful when you want to setup unique tracking codes to pinpoint sweet spots or problems with your Ads or Campaign.

By adding a token to the end of your URL, we are then able to pass back information into your URL string. This then allows you to analyze the data, and see which Sites, Zones, Devices, etc... Are converting, and block or removed the non converting.

With data like this, you can optimize your campaigns to the fullest, and ensure you maximize your potential earnings.

Example #1{dynamicGEO}


Country code will be given within the parameters


Example #2{dynamicSITE}&tour=wFE6&campaign=DPLqH


Site ID# will be given within the parameters


Example #3:

When using more than one Dynamic Link, please connect them with the use of an underscore{dynamicGEO}_{dynamicSITE}_{dynamicCMP}

Result: (Geo_SiteID#_CampaignID)

If you are unsure where to place your dynamic tag, please either contact your affiliate and ask them where to place tracking link.


Please review this article on for some useful information on how to implement with AdCombo offers :


Please click here for a list of our current Dynamic Links/Tokens:

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