
Tutorial: Setting Up a Banner Campaign

A Run-of-Network Blacklist campaign is often the best place to start your advertising journey with JuicyAds. An RON campaign gives you access to hundreds of sites on the JuicyAds network and opens the doors for more advanced Whitelist campaigns or Direct Buys.

Step One:
Once logged in, click on Advertiser> Banners Campaigns on the left side bar.


Campaign Info:
Name your campaign (optional), enter the URL you wish to send traffic to, and select CPM or CPC as the type of bid you want to make.
Next, select a whitelist ( or blacklist in Campaign Mode. Keep in mind, if you select Whitelist mode, you’ll need to add specific sites or zones to your whitelist in order to receive traffic.

Choose Niche Targets:
Select as many niches from the list that apply to your offer. The more niches you choose, the more traffic you will receive.

Choose Target Countries:
Select any or all countries you wish to target in your campaign.

Submit Your Campaign:
Once you click ‘Get Started,’ our compliance team will test your URL to ensure it meets our Terms of Service and either approve or deny. This is generally done within 24 hours of submission.

Upload Banners:
Once your URL is approved, go to ‘Campaigns’ again and you will see your newly approved campaign listed. From there, select ‘Manage’ and then ‘Ad Manager.’ From there, follow the instructions to Select and Upload Files to add as many banners as you’d like to include in your campaign. Keep in mind, the more sizes you upload, the more traffic you will have access to.


You will also be able to add your bid (recommendations are listed), and Daily Budget under the ‘Settings’ tab. For further targeting capabilities, click ‘Advanced Targeting’ to add targeting for Devices, IPs, Carriers, Alexa Ranking and Language targeting.

Once you have uploaded and submitted your banners and added all of the targeting options you need, you simply need to wait for those banners to be approved. Once you receive notification that your banners have been approved, you can return to the ‘Campaigns’ link, and select your campaign and ‘Enable’ from the drop-down menu below.


That’s it! Your campaign will be worked into the JuicyAds proprietary algorithm over the next few hours and you’ll start to see traffic flowing.

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