Your site profile and website thumbnail is the first thing a potential advertiser sees when deciding whether to purchase advertising on your site.
Sometimes your website thumbnail may not display correctly, or you may have updated your website significantly and your site has a new cool look you want to show off to potential buyers. In any case, JuicyAds allows publishers to update their website thumbnails to ensure that your site is displaying to buyers properly.
If you want to request a new thumbnail, simply click the "Publisher" tab on the left sidebar. Then click on the "Sites and Adzones" option. Click the "Edit" option below the thumbnail. (See Screenshot)
Click the "New Thumbnail" option below the websites broken or old thumbnail. Please allow up to 7 days for the new thumbnail to display.
Please note, custom thumbnails can be provided upon request. If you wish to use a custom thumbnail, please contact live support or open a support ticket.