
Auto Payments

Auto Payments is a convenient feature that we have implemented at JuicyAds to streamline the payment process for our valued publishers. By enabling Auto Payments, you no longer need to manually request payment every week. Instead, you can effortlessly configure your account to be paid automatically.

Click here to setup your auto-payments. Be sure to click on the "Withdraw" option highlighted in the image below.


To initiate a withdrawal from your wallet, navigate to the "Withdraw" section highlighted above. Enter the desired minimum payment amount along with the chosen payment method, and save your changes. Payments will be processed during the next scheduled payment batch based on the selected payment method.

Kindly note that our standard payment request schedule is applicable to automatic payments. For instance, if you have set up an auto payment via PayPal to be triggered once your earnings reach $100, and you reach this threshold on a Thursday, the payment will be processed on the following Friday.

For detailed information regarding our payment deadlines, we recommend referring to our article titled

 "Payment Types, Schedule, and Fees".

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