
Tracking Pixels (Banners Campaigns Only)

Currently we offer Tracking Pixels for Banner Campaigns Only. Tracking Pixels are a method for tracking actions for an advertiser. The advertiser places an image tag representing a 1x1 pixel on the page that is displayed immediately after the action being tracked. Usually this is for measuring sales and/or signups. 

How to use Tracking Pixels

To obtain your tracking pixel, in your campaign click on the "Performance Tracking" tab and select "Tracking Pixels" from the menu.

You will see a page that looks like this:



You  need to enter the following information in order to generate your pixel:

Pixel Name: You will assign your Pixel a NAME that will uniquely identify your pixel for your campaign.

Pixel Value: You will also assign your Pixel a VALUE. which will represent how much it is worth monetarily, points, etc. (Ex: 35.00 for $35.00

Once you have provided this information, you will then generate your pixel. In most cases, you will want to place the pixel code on the payment/signup confirmation page, so it only fires when there is an actual, completed transaction. 

When generating your pixel, you will be given 2 options. Regular Pixel and Secured Pixel. Whats the difference?

Regular Pixel:  Pixel type you'll use if you are using an unsecured (HTTP) domain.

Secured Pixel: Pixel type to use if your site is secured (HTTPS)

Please Note* Pixels will ONLY track data through the Juicyads Network. If you are running the exact same offer using ad another network, the pixel will not generate any data.



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