
Did not receive my confirmation email.

If you have recently created an account with but did not receive your confirmation email:

  1. Allow Sufficient Time: It is advisable to allow up to 30 minutes for the confirmation email to arrive, as delivery times can vary depending on factors such as your email client, internet connection, and internet speed.

  2. Check Spam/Trash/Junk Folders: Sometimes, legitimate emails can be misdirected to the spam, trash, or junk folders of your email client. Please check these folders to ensure that the confirmation email was not unintentionally filtered out.

  3. Whitelist To prevent future emails from being flagged as spam, consider adding the domain "" to your email client's whitelist or approved sender list. This ensures that emails from are recognized as safe and delivered to your inbox.

  4. Contact Support: If 30 minutes have passed and you have not received the confirmation email, and it is not in your spam/trash/junk folders, we recommend reaching out to our live support agent or opening a support ticket. Our dedicated support team will promptly assist you in resolving the issue and ensuring your account is properly activated.

Please note that ensuring you receive the confirmation email is essential to activate your account and access all the features and benefits offered. At JuicyAds we value your time and are committed to providing you with a seamless experience.


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