
How Do I Add My Website(s) To Your Network?

To add your website(s) to our network is very easy. Simply take the following steps:

Click on the “Add Website” button below the "Publisher" menu in your left side menu. You will be prompted to provide the following info:

  • Website URL 
  • Website Title (Will be displayed to both you and potential buyers)
  • Website Description (Brief summary of the site to educate potential buyers)
  • Content Category (Blog, Dating/Social/Forum, Games/Entertainment, Linkdump/Toplist, Reviews, TGP/Babelog/Pictures, Videos/Tube, Webmaster resource, Other) *Please choose the most relevant category that describes your website.
  • Content Rating (Hardcore, Softcore, Non-Nude, Non-Adult) *Please choose the most relevant rating for your site.
  • Primary and Secondary Website Niches - This will help advertisers target your site properly knowing what type of ads you want shown on your site. 

If you have multiple websites that you wish to add to JuicyAds Network, you will have to do so individually.

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